Practicing hospitality should not be based on the condition of our homes, but rather on the condition of our hearts.

Too many times I let the messes and unfinished projects keep me from opening my home up to others. I'm starting to realize that people care less that your home looks like the pages of a magazine and more about the way they feel when they are welcomed into your home.

I have a friend that is one of the most gracious people I know. Her door is always open and her home fragrant with homemade goodies and hospitality. (Seriously, I don't think I've ever been over to her house when some delicious bread or muffin isn't baking in the oven.) Funny thing is, I now live in the home where she grew up and one of the reasons I have always loved this house is the warm feeling I always got when over here as a child. She learned from the best because when I think of her mother, I think of a cozy quilt. I can remember eating fresh sourdough bread at the kitchen table and snuggling up to hear stories before bedtime. Thank you sweet friend for your example.
Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it. Hebrews 13:2
Disclaimer: I did not take these pictures (although I wish I had...can we say dream home?) However, I found them saved on my computer and cannot remember the source!
What a sweet reminder! Do you know I struggle with this ALL the time?? Right now, I am so embarrassed for anyone to walk into our house--we've been living here for 3 months and have nothing hung on the wall, no window treatments, the list goes ON and ON and ON! Definitely need to keep this in mind!