Sunday, May 22, 2011

Happy to you Cate

Caroline's rendition of the birthday song goes a little something like this

Happy to you
Happy to you
Happy to you Cate
Happy to you

And she got to sing it all day Wednesday because Anna Cate had a birthday and turned 4!
What? How did four years go by so fast?!?
Following tradition, the birthday banner was hung and ready to greet her when she woke up on her special day.

We sang Happy Birthday and she got to blow out a candle on her special sprinkle pancakes for breakfast.

In true diva style, she stayed on the phone for almost an hour after breakfast taking calls from family and friends wishing her a special day.

Then she got to pick one special thing that she wanted to do for the day. Without hesitating she said, "go play in the little pink house."

Oh the thrills of a four-year old! What a simple birthday wish to grant. ;) happytoyoucate
She and Caroline love this little pink playhouse that is in the botanical gardens at the zoo. Forget seeing the animals...we could just stay here the entire visit and be good to go.

We did manage to tear ourselves away from the little house to walk through the rest of the gardens and this is how we walked danced through the gardens the entire time we were there.

Monkey see, monkey do.

And just to keep it real, this was Caroline's reaction when I asked her to sit by Anna Cate to take a picture. I'm not sure if it was because it was Anna Cate's special day and she was getting all of the attention or if Caroline just really did not want her picture taken. Either way, this was all I got.

and again...

That evening we had a few visitors stop by and she got to open some presents.

Andie and Baylis came by and gave Anna Cate a ballerina doll that straps to your feet and dances with you. Caroline's tune changed a little once Anna Cate let her take a spin the new doll.

All in all, we had a wonderful day celebrating our now four-year old!
She keeps telling me that she doesn't want to be four,

that she liked being three and wants to always stay little,

but I think four may be our most fun year yet!

1 comment:

  1. Ok, so the Happy Birthday banner picture looks like something out of Southern Living, with your beautiful wall colr, and very simply, yet elegantly decorated mantel! Love these pictures!
