Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Better late than never

A few from Christmas morning for all of the grandparents

All Anna Cate asked for this year was a hula hoop, a princess jump rope, and a sewing machine.
Santa delivered on all three.

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No picture of the jump rope, but he also brought a dress up box filled with all sorts of princess attire. It has been a huge hit!
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And since Caroline didn't know what to ask for from Old Saint Nick, Anna Cate spoke for her and said she wanted a kitchen.
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(Disclaimer: Santa worked very hard during several nap times and evenings on sanding, painting, and filling holes to make this kitchen good as new to match the one Anna Cate already had. Unfortunately, one of Santa's elves, who will remain anonymous, waited until Christmas Eve at 9:00 to pick it up and bring it home and Santa was mortified to find that the elf had used the original red handles instead of the pink ones that had been purchased to replace them. It is funny now, but oh the drama of Christmas Eve magic!)
Maybe Santa would have been more patient and in a better mood if he hadn't stayed up so late almost
every. night. of. December.
working on some special dolls.

This was both girls' reaction to them Christmas morning:

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"Gee Santa, come on! what a let down! She doesn't walk or talk or wet her diaper."

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But then they opened a special gift from Daddy...
a Baby Alive
(please note that Anna Cate's doll from Santa is face down on the floor)

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and Caroline promptly removed her doll from Santa and replaced it with her new plastic, squealing, giggling, "so ugly she is cute" (as my grandmother would say) Baby Alive!
(also please note Caroline's doll which is face down on the floor behind the high chair)
Ahem. No crush to the ego there! :)

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There is nothing like doing the dishes in your undies on Christmas morning!

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Caroline's reaction to her baby everytime the doll would giggle. It looks like she is trying to eat her face, but really she just squeals really loudly at the doll. It is quite a hilarious site to behold!

And hopefully my sarcasm was taken lightly, because I really wasn't upset about the girls' reaction to their gifts. I knew that their handmade dolls wouldn't be a big hit on Christmas morning, but would become special once the shock of so many new toys wore off.

but I did learn my lesson:
no homemade gifts next Christmas unless they are finished before December 1!


  1. I love reading your blog - you are so creative. Those dolls are so cute. Did you have a pattern? I would love to make some for my girls!

  2. Hi Mandy! I've got some links to share on the dolls and some other handmade gifts that I'll post soon. I'll be away from my computer all weekend, but the first of next week they'll be up! :)

  3. Loved this! Thanks for sharing:)
