Wednesday, November 3, 2010


And for more reasons than one. Boo! for Halloween and Boo! because I've messed with the diopter on my camera and ALL of my pics turned out FUZZY! So boo boo boo, you may need glasses to view this post.

Anna Cate requested to be Ariel for Halloween, and Will said absolutely no seashells. This daddy/daughter relationship deal is so interesting to watch as a third party. I can remember all of these conversations with my dad. I'd have to model a bathing suit before I was allowed to wear it for the first time to make sure it passed "code" and was always reminded, Now remember, we aren't advertising. (If you know my dad, can't you just hear him saying that?) Not what I wanted to hear as a teen, but now I'm so grateful for his vigilance. And so grateful that my husband is just as protective.

mermaid skirt

We found this skirt at a local thrift store for $3, but the original boutique price tag was still attached and the original price was $89!!! Can you believe somebody would actually spend 89 DOLLARS on this thing? But if made for a perfect mermaid skirt and saved me the cost and time of having to sew something else.

mermaid skirt2

We tweaked it by cutting out the zipper and adding an elastic waist to fit our little mermaid. For the top, Anna Cate helped me pick out some wavy/watery looking fabric and we used the pattern from their bathing suit tops this summer. Added some sequins, a ruffle, and a flower for her hair and we had one cute little mermaid!



Caroline borrowed one of her Aunt Charlee's old costumes that my mom made years ago and she made for a cute little pumpkin herself!

We met up with some sweet friends from church who live right down the road to trick-or-treat in their neighborhood.


Ariel and Cinderella

Sisters shot! Callie was obviously not into taking pictures, but she made one cute little ladybug...even with the tears!


Enjoying their loot after they were done. :)

1 comment:

  1. caroline's pigtails are the cutest thing i've ever seen!
