Say that three times fast! Fun Friday Finds. Fun Friday Finds. Fun Friday Finds.
Rebecca left a comment earlier this week asking if I knew of any tutorials on making fabric party hats. Although I never have seen one, her question got my wheels turning on how you could make them.
You know, Caroline will be turning 6 months old next week and we celebrated Anna Cate's 6 month milestone with a birthday cake, so I'm sure we will do the same thing this time around. I thought I'd try my hand at making one for her to wear while she digs into her half birthday cake, but stuff kept coming up during the week and I haven't had a chance to make one yet.
**Rebecca, I did find this tutorial for making a party hat from felt. It is really cute, but I like the fabric ruffled ones the best. **
While browsing crafty blogs looking for a party hat tutorial, I also stumbled across this lovely lady at The Polka Dot Chair, who so graciously shares her skirt tutorials for free! Ideas for the girls spring wardrobes are already swirling through my head!

And check out this colorful advent calendar. The tutorial for it is here and if I have time, I'd love to make one before December gets here.

My goal is to be done with my Christmas shopping by Thanksgivig so that I can enjoy the entire month doing fun things with the girls. I would love to have a little activity or outing planned for each day and have it tucked inside the corresponding envelope for Anna Cate to open each morning. Ambitious, I know...we'll see if it happens. ;)
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