Like everybody else in the southeast, we heard that snow was in
the forecast for Friday afternoon. Sure enough, it started snowing around 3:30 in the afternoon and we were lucky to already have Will home from work! After a little had accumulated on the ground, we took the girls outside for a minute to let them walk around in it while it was falling.
The girls' first reactions to the snow on Friday afternoon:

Caroline was not all that impressed...

and Anna Cate was...
well, what would you call that look?
Let's just say a little giddy mixed with apprehension.

But all apprehension quickly disappeared as soon as Caroline started chasing her through the snow.
Will had already promised Anna Cate a "camp out" in the den earlier in the week to watch the opening ceremonies to the Olympics (or the 'Lympics as Anna Cate likes to call them) on Friday night. How perfect that it was also snowing outside!!
This was a family first, but something I'm sure will become a tradition because we had so much fun! :) We pulled our mattresses out into the den and cozied up by the fire for the night. Needless to say, Anna Cate LOVED it.

Caroline joined us until it was her bedtime and then she slept back in her crib. The girls had a ball playing on the giant bed in the middle of the den floor.
We thought Anna Cate would crash by 9:00 but this little stinker was still going strong at 10:30! Finally she feel asleep waiting to see them light the Olympic Torch.
When we woke up Saturday morning, we had SNOW!!! We quickly ate breakfast and then bundled the girls up to go play outside.

This was the only picture I took of the house as we were driving up to my parent's house to get the sled and 4-wheeler.

The girls and I watched as Will tried the first attempt at sledding. (This isn't the greatest picture, but the only one I have with all three of us).
First he tried the hill beside the garden, but it wasn't big enough.
So then we loaded up the gator with the sled, saucer, and Silar and rode around exploring the "compound" and looking for a bigger hill. (For those of you who do not know, we live on the same street as my parents, along with two of my aunts, my grandparent's lakehouse, and the family garden so we jokingly refer to it as the "compound." And yes, life does get interesting around here. I'm currently taking notes to write a book one day. Just kidding! Well, maybe not...) ;)
We rode down to the lakehouse...
and I could have stayed there all morning just sitting on the porch with a cup of coffee looking out at the snow on the water, but everybody else was ready to move on.
Silar pouted as we made him wait in the gator so he wouldn't go swimming in the lake. See his little head poking over the side?
We rode down the street to check on the donkeys. No not ours, just some random farm animals that live on our street that the girls love to stop and talk to when we go walking.
We then rode over to my aunt's house to try sledding on the big hill overlooking the pond.
Anna Cate's first attempt.
Will she like it...?
Yes, I think she LOVED it!
Caroline got to try too!
There is a little smile on that sweet face!
After awhile the snow started melting from the trees and the girls were getting hungry so we headed home for some grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup. We spent the rest of the afternoon thawing out by the fire, enjoying a long nap and watching some 'lympics.